Selected media coverage of our work
Racial Bias in Perceptions of Others' Pain
Apr. 18, 2023: The mothers of gynecology (interview on the Science History Institute's Distillations podcast)
Nov. 20, 2020: The magical negro: Tackling the 'Blacks can take more pain' theory (interview on the Sick Empire podcast)
Aug. 18, 2019: Bias in medicine (main story featuring our research on HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)
Aug. 14, 2019: Myths about physical racial differences were used to justify slavery — and are still believed by doctors today (included in a 1619 Project feature piece from The New York Times Magazine)
Apr. 13, 2018: Pain and prejudice: Understanding Black pain (special segment featuring our research on BET's The Rundown with Robin Thede)
Apr. 5, 2016: UVA study links disparities in pain management to racial bias (All Things Considered)
Apr. 5, 2016: Is there a racial 'care gap' in medical treatment? (PBS Newshour)
Apr. 4, 2016: The disturbing reason some African American patients may be undertreated for pain (Washington Post)
Jun. 15, 2014: I don't feel your pain (Boston Globe)
May 1, 2014: Interview -- Discussing our work on racial bias in children's perceptions of others' pain with co-authors Rebecca Dore and Sophie Trawalter on Virginia Insight
Oct. 17, 2013: Why Can't We Feel Minorities' Pain? (Huffpost Live)
Jun. 27, 2013: I Don't Feel Your Pain: A failure of empathy perpretuates racial disparities (Slate)
Nov. 15, 2012: Why We Expect Black Football Players to Return From Injury Faster Than White Players (Deadspin)
The Superhumanization of Black People
Apr. 30, 2015: Why Do So Many People See Black Protestors Different From White Ones? The troubling social psychology of urban violence (Pacific Standard)
Nov. 30, 2014: Interview -- Discussing our superhumanization work on NPR's All Things Considered
Nov. 26, 2014: The Racial Bias Embedded in Darren Wilson's Testimony (Invited piece with co-authors Adam Waytz and Sophie Trawalter) (Washington Post)
Nov. 26, 2014: African Americans and 'superhumanization bias' (All in with Chris Hayes (MSNBC))
Nov. 26, 2014: In Darren Wilson's Testimony, Familiar Themes About Black Men (
Nov. 25, 2014: The terrifying racial stereotypes laced through Darren Wilson's testimony (Vox)
Nov. 25, 2014: The Pathology of the Magical Negro Narrative in Mike Brown Ruling (Huffington Post)
Nov. 18, 2014: Black Magic, Literally: White People Think Blacks are More Likely to Have Supernatural Abilities and Magical Powers (Medical Daily)
Nov. 14, 2014: Whites see Blacks as Superhuman (And that's not exactly a compliment) (Slate)
Oct. 10, 2014: Our Problematic Belief in the Magical, Mystical Negro (Pacific Standard)
Inattentional Blindness to Black People
Jun. 27, 2013: Your Hidden Censor: What Your Mind Will Not Let You See (Scientific American and Salon), by co-author Keith Payne